STAMP - 2019
Research Program
Research Program

Section: Application Domains

Mathematical Components

The Mathematical Components is the main by-product of an effort started almost two decades ago to provide a formally verified proof for a major theorem in group theory. Because this major theorem had a proof published in books of several hundreds of pages, with elements coming from character theory, other coming from algebra, and some coming from real analysis, it was an exercice in building a large library, with results in many domains, and in establishing clear guidelines for further increase and data search.

This library has proved to be a useful repository of mathematical facts for a wide area of applications, so that it has a growing community of users in many contries (Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, at the time of writing these lines in 2019) and for a wide variety of topics (transcendental number theory, elliptic curve cryptography, articulated robot kinematics, recently block chain foundations).

Interesting questions on this library range around the importance of decidability and proof irrelevance, the way to structure knowledge to automatically inherit theorems from one topic to another, the way to generate infrastructure to make this automation efficient and predictable. In particular, we want to concentrate on adding a new mathematical topic to this library: real analysis and then complex analysis (Mathematical Components Analysis).

On the front of automation, we are convinced that a higher level language is required to describe similarities between theories, to generate theorems that are immediate consequences of structures, etc, and for this reason, we invest in the development of a new language on top of the proof assistant (ELPI).